Bankruptcy Process for Business Owners

Hi Welcome to - A podcast and video series about all things related to business and valuation.  My name is Melissa Gragg, a company valuation expert in St. Louis Missouri.  


During this episode we will discuss bankruptcy questions with Stephen White, an ESOP valuation expert and bankruptcy expert in Montclair New Jersey.  

Welcome Stephen!!   

  1. Why believe Bankruptcy has such a stigma attached to the term? 

  2. What types of bankruptcy work do you encounter the most in your profession?  

  3. What is the difference between Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 11 bankruptcy? 

  4. During the reorganization process, are business owners safe from creditors during this time? 

  5. As a business valuator, what is your role in the bankruptcy process? 

  6. Chapter 11 appears to be a process that is better suited for larger companies. What about small and midsize businesses, is Chapter 11 still option? 

  7. Would you advise small and midsize companies to file for Chapter 11? Are there other alternatives? 

  8. Several companies have filed and received the Payroll Protection Plan (PPP). If a company was considering filing for bankruptcy, does this save the company if they have received PPP? 

  9. When a business goes through the bankruptcy process, does this mean that they will never be able to own another business? 

  10. Tell us more about you and your firm! 



Stephen A White, CVA, Managing Partner 

Valuation Analyst 

Onyx Partners Group | 

516 Bloomfield Avenue | Suite 6 | Montclair, NJ 07042 

office: 973.902.7828 | cell: 973.310.2528 


Getting Prepared: How to Sell Your Business 


PPP Loan Forgiveness, Application Process and Spending – UPDATED