Collaboration & Exit Planning for Baby Boomers & Financial Planners

Hi Welcome to - A podcast and video series about all things related to business and valuation. My name is Melissa Gragg, a business valuation expert in St. Louis Missouri.

During this episode we will discuss Collaboration & Exit Planning for Baby Boomers & Financial Planners with a former IRS auditor Mike Gregory. Mike is a mediator in Minneapolis Minnesota, author of 11 books regarding various valuation topics and creator of the collaboration effect ®. He is a frequent speaker at estate planning council events and uses mediation techniques to deescalate situations.

Welcome Mike!!

1. What is the great wealth transfer?

2. What do we know about estate planning or exit planning?

3. What is The Collaboration Effect® and how does it relate to exit planning and estate planning?

4. How does trust factor into strategic planning and what happens when trust breaks down?

5. How can you address trust in business relationships?

6. Do you focus on beliefs or values and why?

7. How does communication, emotional intelligence and conversational intelligence enter into the picture?

8. With your background with over 2,500 mediations and negotiations coupled with your over 450 presentations in the last 9 years, and with your working with neuroscientists for over 5 years, what words of advice do you have regarding listening?

9. Do you have any closing comments you want to make with respect to collaboration and exit planning for baby boomers and financial planners, and do you want to share how to obtain your pocket guide on The Collaboration Effect?

Melissa Gragg CVA, MAFF, CDFA

Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues

Cell: (314) 541-8163

Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC

Michael Gregory Consulting, LLC | The Collaboration Effect

Direct: 651.633.5311

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