Insight into Dental Market Transactions

Hi Welcome to - A podcast and video series about all things related to business and valuation.  My name is Melissa Gragg, and I  provide online divorce  mediation  and  valuation  services  in St. Louis Missouri. 


Today we will discuss Insight into Dental Market Transactions - with Maria Melone. Maria is a leading M&A advisor to the dental industry and investment banker in Chicago Illinois, with a mission to help both individual dentists and dental groups navigate the complex landscape of dental-practice transactions. Maria is a managing director at Caber Hill Advisors. 


Welcome Maria! 


  1. What is the difference between pricing a dental practice for sale and valuing it for strategic planning?

  2. Is the price to sell the practice easy to determine – what factors go into it?

  3.  Is there a rule of thumb or valuation multiple on what a dental practice is worth?

  4. What is a DSO or Group Practice and how are they buying dental practices?

  5. Are private equity firms getting involved in buying dental practices?

  6. What are some of the terms and conditions in these deals with DSOs?

  7. Are these terms different for private equity?

  8. How do you determine which path is right for you to transition your practice?

  9. How are dentists attracting younger dentists to transition into retirement?

  10. Tell us more about you and your firm!




Melissa Gragg  


Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues  

Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC  

Cell: (314) 541-8163  



Maria G Melone

Managing Director

M: (339) 927-8882

O: (508) 475-3800

F: (508) 475-3963

125 S. Wacker Drive Suite 300 | Chicago, IL 60606-4421

  Let’s connect on LinkedIn


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