Passive Appreciation in Separate Property in Divorce: External Market Forces
Hi Welcome to - A podcast and video series about all things related to business and valuation. My name is Melissa Gragg, and I provide divorce mediation and valuation services in St. Louis Missouri.
Today we will discuss Passive Appreciation in Separate Property in Divorce: External Market Forces with Dr. Ashok Abbott, an associate professor of finance at West Virginia University and founder of Business Valuation, Inc. where he provides value by determining statistical significance, validating economic models, establishing causality, and providing rigorous empirical support.
Welcome Dr. Abbott!!
What are market forces and how can we identify them?
How does market forces relate to business valuations?
How is population a factor of influencing consumption?
How does personal income and population change consumption?
What is inflation?
What is the inflation myth?
Does interest rates change consumption and if yes, how?
What is the difference of short term and long term unemployment in regards to consumption?
What is consumer confidence or sentiment?
What changes the index levels of income and employment and why?
Melissa Gragg
Expert testimony for financial and valuation issues
Bridge Valuation Partners, LLC
Cell: (314) 541-8163
Dr. Ashok Abbott
Business Valuation LLC
2014 Glenmark Avenue Morgantown, West Virginia 26505